20 Most Creative book cover design ideas for your inspiration

Creative book cover design ideas for your inspiration

The popular quote found a little interesting is ”Don't judge a book by its cover” and interestingly it's not true all the time. If it's true then people may follow it all the time but practically they are not. But most of the time people make the decision to buy a book by watching the cover and they care about it very much.

Because they don’t know what the real messages, story, and learning it carries so they try to make sure before reading based on the cover.

Have you ever noticed the best of the best Nobel book cover like Ulysses, The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, The Odyssey,  The Brothers Karamazov, and The Divine Comedy?

When you see some of the best books on the planet most of the time you will get a real unique message behind it. It's not all the time a very clear message, sometimes is subtle, sometimes quite clear sometimes strongly clear.

And different picture represents a different message, different colours provide different emotions and the different face shown the different pure answer. People may not all the time to buy or read the book by its cover. But it that possible to sell a book that doesn’t say anything about the story of the book?

Is that possible to get the audience's or readers' attention without understanding their needs?

It that possible to deeply arouse the reader's emotions without proper messages on the cover?

The very ugly truth is no!

Because audience, prospect, or readers always looking for what they need and they almost all the time good at that. And as a writer or publisher, you must pay attention to the deepest desire to fulfill their design through dynamic design.

And in this very instructional lesson, you will get some really profound creative and unique structure and book cover design ideas to get more audience, readers and sells to bring fortune into your book business.

Why It’s Crucial To Get Book Cover Design Ideas For Massive Audience Response?

1. Pay Attention To The Real Objective:

Don't think all the people on the planet are your readers and pay attention at the beginning about the object of your book cover through a short or powerful message.

And the big mistake designers do most of the time they just create the design whatever they feel like. whatever they think ok is the best without concerning the real audience desire.

Don't try to fall on this crap.

The Mega valuable cover design tips for you to just try to keep your objective right.

And the more clear you will be about your book cover the better advantage you can take from the market, as a result, you will get more audience to read your book and find themselves to buy your book from you in your whole life without struggling for surviving.

Another very little advice for the designer to anytime you going to plan to design your book cover make a shortlist from your very specific book categories and make them one specific design objective.

So you can very closely go and design the way you feel perfect and find the audience reasons to buy your book and make publishers and writers happier all the time.

2. The Artistic Power Of Handwriting: 

From the ancient period of time language is discovered and had written by hand and most of the time and people take it real It real, it Authentic and shows more creativity, show more persuasive to the people.

So the very good news for you to don't try to be meticulous with your handwriting. If your target audience finds and connects with the handwriting structure, use along with it with a smile and you may see so many books cover that already get noticed, get huge response because of the handwriting and people love it tremendously.

And it's proven way works with the human psychology very reasonable and memorable way doesn't matter whether its fiction non-fiction you can use both or any of these to get your readers attention

The very best extra book cover design ideas I must share with you when you start designing books see some of the best book cover written by handwriting cover will give you a quite clear picture of that it.

3. Present A Story:

It's possible to create an award-winning book cover design so efficiently with the story. From the traditional period of time story influence us continuously and consistently rather than anything else. And it’s the best most powerful persuasion tool for the human journey as well and advertising too.

If you become aware and look carefully you will see in the religion, movie, books, politics where the big audiences are story stand from the crowd.

Logically book cover design artists can use it because it stops the conscious mind and opens up the right brain to receive the messages it true enough to take the action or believe the message is completely true.

So as you know the story has very much outstanding value then how do you apply it in the book cover that surely and magnificently get your audience to take your book or buy or take help from there.

4. Make Some Mess On The Design: 

It not necessary to keep clean all the cover when your target audience artists love the creative culture then make some mess in your cover design to get minimalist book cover design test so creatively.

Book cover design can be really greatest advantage when you know how to play with the human mind to provides what really looking for doesn’t matter whether its big or smaller group of audiences you are serving for real purpose.

Some people look for cheap book cover design at the very beginning if they don't know how design affects to make the real decision fundamentally. So it’s not the price it’s all about quality that brings to the world to represent something surely dynamic for the useful response.

And the more result you want from your book campaign and the more you pay attention to the quality design that the audience buys most of the time.

5. Think Creatively:

Creative thinking is very much productive for any kind of design whether its book cover, logo design, or any other best graphic design services.

The real book cover design ideas and creative book cover design tips I found throughout the years is seeing the different type of creative award-winning design structure,  picture, art as well as the book cover.

And if you ask your conscious mind why it gets tremendous attention from the largest amount of people sometimes you will get your answer right away. And creative book cover design is not got gifted any precious award from the god, its a practice, subtle understanding and exploration to create a perfect book cover that people like.

You may very curious at the beginning about creative book cover design but I can promise if you follow the principle and book cover design ideas that we packed it here together you will create results very quickly.

6. Think Uniquely: 

Uniqueness is very attractive and way more result bringing for book cover designers. And the more uniquely you create unique book cover design the smarter it will be to get noticed from a specific audience those who really interested in your book.

You may very quickly get book cover design ideas from online that sometimes works on the real world. But it keeps the real value there sure need some extra focus and concentration.

It’s not an extra job at all. its the way it is, because it looks very simple to say but it requires quite practice and passion and experience to think uniquely.

So how do you do that?

How do you create a most unique book cover that purely works on the real word?

First and foremost create the same design in a very different way. For example, you need to design a fiction book cover and the target audience is children.  

Take some best book cover ideas from the category of your design 5 pieces of the book and then change the design structure different way, change the colour, change the font and doing some practice will give you very unconscious competence so will able to do it over and over.

7. Get The Readers Edge:

Every time you go for a professional book cover design you will see the audience needs to understand what all is your book about.

Primarily its all of our self-desire to understand the internal message the way we can make sure what we are going to read. And when you get the book cover design ideas it's a very basic thing to know before start designing.

People often make mistake they just design the cover that seems to look ok or feel creative. And where is the challenge if you don't know no who will read your book.

What benefit they will get from there? 

How they give the real experience from there, then it will be shockingly confusing for readers to understand what they are going to read or digest. So, in this case, I want you to make sure very accurately in your cover that they find there all answer reason only to read the book

8. The Sacred Power Of Human Face:

God created the way humans look very best rather than anything on the planet and I think it really carries the true power behind the human face. It doesn't matter whether you plan to science fiction book cover design or non-fiction completely the only matter is human face carries the remarkable power.

And if you know where how and when to apply human faces on the cover it will magically create the reader's unconditional attention instantly and effortlessly. 

I don't know if you are looking for affordable book cover design at your budget or which book cover design ideas really make you excited but as I do always recommend when you able to use human faces in your book cover quite curious and creative way and really make sure your audience love, respect or evoke that kind of face just do it.

And be sure it works proven way so you just need to find the right face right way then get tremendous value from it.

9. Follow The Gender Sequence:

Gender is very important in every book business. Because who will read your book, are audience men, women, or both or teenagers?

Experience shows, when you design your book you must concern about the very specific group of people, community or readers who have the real interest in you your specific industry.

And the more accurately understand their needs the better book cover you able to design quite powerfully. You may see book cover design online have multiple choice to design book cover using some very common tools to design.

Bust for precise design and get the creative structure this kind of tool fails almost all the time. Because they have only some common design elements that you will see everywhere.

I am not telling you all of them are bad sometimes they are good for like ebook cover design or notebook cover design but for a big audience, you have to take care of and create something more creative.

So the main sequence here is whatever book you are going to publish make sure it’s for very specific gender so you can naturally connect with their emotion very persuasive way easily following your own way without a struggle.

10. Understand The Psychology Of Readers: 

The concept of creative book cover design comes from the understanding of human psychology that defines what people read, what they feel about some specific book, and how they find themselves to act accordingly, why they must read the book and so much more.

How do you design your book cover that brings all those together to get the reader's attention more specifically and they discover something real value in there?

Is very fundamental research but way more crucial?

If you are able to keep in mind all the sequences we bring those together then your bock cover design ideas and knowledge profoundly enhance your understanding very advance level.

And you will able to create any kind of book cover design that humanly possible with conscious understanding. It’s not something you need for one book design it essentially important any book you plan to design for real people.

Because of most of the designer never realize the deepest psychology of book design and very interestingly it understanding the core value of your readers and if you pack it together then there is nothing but you will get massive audience response when they see the book cover and buy immediately.

11. The Real Power Of Words: 

It’s feel like over-focusing weird we are talking about the words in book cover design ideas? It may feel like that way but the real juice behind it.

From the beginning of the human journey, we use language for all of our communication. And the precise it’s the better our communication gets. Son every book designed with some kind of name, tagline or headline that combined with.

And language also combined with the word’s not grammar just structure it often to make it precise.

So why I am telling you about the power of words because it carries very precise power at the different communication and when you use the words in your book it should have some kind of appeal, attraction, or design to get the reader's mind.

It surely not all time your job works with words or language because of it obviously the writer's job all the time but if you design the right words very creatively it will create dramatic transformation in your design for the artistic result.

12. The Power Of Picture:

Images have another power that says nothing but represents thousands of words. That why the greate quote I love all the time” A picture is worth of thousands of words”

So what is the picture in your industry that literally shows thousands of words?

How you organize a picture that tells the story of your book?

And what kind of picture would give your readers a very outrageous experience?

Imagine the best picture you have ever seen and define it, explain it, and analyze it very differently how it has the kind of value that brings that picture very honorable place.

The picture clarifies the idea very simply and sometimes subtle way. Not all the greatest picture or art on the planet are very simple but they carry value very strongly. And most importantly visual look people like mostly because it arises emotion so quickly and artfully.

So if you want the very ordinary fundamental advantages from your book cover design I invite you to keep it whenever you can to create the right emotions in your prospect mind and help them to read your book with heart.

13.The Deepest Secret Of Book Cover Design: 

Exploring, reading and understanding the so many books in my lifetime I was asking myself what can be the greatest advantages that every designer easily can take when they design the book cover for a specific reason?.

And finally, I found it’s all about readers. Reader needs, readers benefit, readers problem, readers, opportunity, readers dream, and desire. If you think whatever design you create people will love it. It’s never gonna happen people read what they want to read and never think your audience is fool enough to believe everything you say to them.

So if you want to best book cover design 2019 add this principle in your checklist first and design the nicest book cover that you have ever designed before. And I can guarantee if you focus on and can pay attention to your readers need the remarkable design you will create in the shortest possible time and make your book best-selling immediately.

14. Trend Is A Big Fact: 

One little very powerful book cover design inspiration I can give you to follow the trends. Trends move human desire and perception enormously. We do everything so many things following the trend, we dress like that, we design our hair following that and do our duty as well.

So when you meet the internet world you may already know the trend creates the terrible value that moves people forward or takes action. One of the beautiful quote I found interesting.

”The world of marketing is all about trends and the ability of marketers to identify and cultivate them" John Rampton.

So whatever you design Fiction, Nonfiction, Classics, Tragedy, Science Fiction, Fantasy or Fairytale keep focusing on the trend primarily and see how it creates the incredible, unthinkable result from your work.

15. Keep Goal In Mind: 

The goal surely one of the greatest advantages of your design material. You may see some children's book cover design ideas or see some book cover design samples for your learning but this principle will need you everywhere, every time and then whenever you start doing your task.

Because without a goal in mind it's nearly impossible to detect your audience's attention about what you are saying to them. And they may not understand what really you design for them. So very sickly good reason for you to keep the goal in mind.

So how do you organize, plan and optimize your goal in a way that simplifies what are your main design theme is?

It's just applying the power of one. Make one goal in your whole book or create one message that tells the whole story to enhance, amplify, and empower your design insanely good way.

You can ask yourself, What are the biggest messages that can have in your book that give full experience in their journey only reading the book?


what is the biggest thing readers will get from the book to solve their problems and live happier?

This kind of question will give you a very precise exploration to meet your design goal very smartly.

16. Take Extra Advantages From 3d Design: 

Today is the very visual world in so many ways. And the pure advantages for the designer to take it really efficiently. Have you ever realized before?

What 3d design can benefit you really genuinely?

How you can take great advantages from it..

  • It gives the reader a very visual teste.
  • Provide the design exactly the way they want.
  • Make the real connection only watching the book

When it comes to the book design people think the cost of book cover design is quite costly in 3d design actually it's not anymore if they focus on the quality.

Think for a moment about Fiction, Science Fiction, children's books, the technology they all go for 3d book cover. So if your client thinks the cost of it very high sometimes....then make sure it's worthy enough to design that way. Because big design brings a big fortune.

17. Test Different Design:

This the old school design concept in book cover design ideas. This concept says... create the different book cover for your book and test the market. And still this concept and marketing strategy work very powerful and very adorable online today.

It's a marketing split testing module that is designed to get the winning design to carry on.

For example, you may have a fantasy book cover design for your client or your business. And the job is here to create 5 different book cover designs and run the online campaign and see which one wins.

When to find your winners than just keep the campaign and shut down the rest. The challenges in this concept you must need a reliable budget to design every piece or you can work with them with reality. Who cares if it gets the more book sell more ROI from their campaign.

It feels like the wickedly sick and evil idea but it works very fast and practically if you apply along.

18. Embrace The Right Colour: 

When you are a designer you may already know the psychology and power of the Colour.Different colour creates a certain type of emotion on humans that change their perception and intention to act differently.

So the real dynamic here you must know the exact colour choice of your audience. And the more colour you know about your audience the better.

Some of the colour you can focus on real carefully.

  • women love colours like blue, purple, green, etc.
  • Men love Black, yellow, white, etc.

So the real illustration here is to find the passionate colour of your book audience and give them that. If you find it challenging then just ask your client, writer or publisher who knows about their audience choice and passion.

And use colour only whenever it requires and look luxury.

19. Maintain Professional Look: 

Give your readers a professional taste. Some industry really looking for professional practice and design structure. And it creates real credibility and trust in the audience's mind.

Think for a second about the skill development and business growth book list. It's almost all the books are that profoundly get the audience's attention with some kind of professional outlook.

It not because it makes more sell it’s because people are more organized, optimistic, and very professional also evoke professional cover design. I think it makes more sense to them and finds their own choice to read the book.

For little illustration, Non- fiction books should be designed by professional look.

Have you ever realized before all the designed for self-development, self-improvement books are way more professional and this specific audience love to experience that kind of cover design?

20. Research Your Industry: 

This is the fundamental job for every little book cover to take the best from the proven book design. And when the internet came along research can be more precise. more accurate and more result-focused.

And just doing some little steps you will be able to create a quite extraordinary design. And It will tell you.

  • Who is your audience?
  • What do they like to read?
  • The best book your category...
  • The best colour you can apply in your book cover,
  • And the winning design that works proven way.

The research will give you a more precise understanding of your book cover. And the more precise you can do that the more information you can acquire for your book cover design.


Finally, I think you may simply get some awesome book cover design ideas really quickly in one place. And I want you to apply this in the real world to take the very practical advantages. So at first my request to you find any of the book cover designs that directly match your needs here.

It's may not able to apply all the principles in one design. But gaining the skill may require quite unconscious competence to do something well. And it comes from the practice over and over and over to become an expert.

But if you are a writer, author or publisher to design the book and take some idea then make sure your designer has the understanding, knowledge, and expertise about those principles, structure, and ideas we present here and help them to design your book cover well.

And it doesn't matter whether you hire a custom book cover design service as a freelancer or from book cover design company the really matters to us is to create a design that works very perfectly and make the audience to buy immediately only after watching the cover design.

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